石谷雅詩 日本画展 -気配-


東武百貨店池袋店 6階1番地 アートギャラリー
7月30日(土)・31日(日) 各日13:00-17:00
内 容

One morning, the scenery that you had been able to see is transformed into a completely white world by fog.
What was visible becomes invisible, but we are aware that there is something beyond the fog.
This is not so much seeing as sensing a presence.It is not only what we can see that is at work.
There is certainly air in front of us, and it can be cold or hot.
The strawberries in the garden that are ready to eat may be gone by evening.

We draw but do not see, we do not draw but feel.

In this age when seeing has become too informational, I would like to turn my attention to what is invisible but certainly exists. (Masashi Ishitani)